Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What are the physological requrements of each group of organisms: bacteria ,protista, fungi, plants, animals?

(invertebrates %26amp; vertebrates)What are the physological requrements of each group of organisms: bacteria ,protista, fungi, plants, animals?
Unfortunately, specifics vary even within organism groups. Generally, all require some sort of nutrient source (the more complicate the system, the more nutrients needed), all need some water (again this varies...most bacteria need only a little water in order to reproduce and some bacteria produce endospores which can survive, though not reproduce, in dry conditions), all except some bacteria and protista require oxygen and plants require carbon dioxide (the roots respirate oxygen, the plant itself requires carbon dioxide), plants and animals both require sunlight (plants for photosynthesis, animals for certain vitamin production). Those are general, but each organism varies, as I said. Hope that wasn't too complicated.

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