Thursday, February 11, 2010

How can fungi cause respiratory-tract infections?

Fungi can cause respiratory tract infections by being inhaled, and then the spores find themselves in a warm-moist environment, and start to grow. The dangerous part of most fungal infections is actually the body's immune response. Yes, the fungi can kill you, but the body's own deployment of cytokines (devastating chemicals to most bacteria, but not as effective on fungi), also harm your body tissue at high concentration and long term exposure. In the end, it is possible to kill you faster than the fungi. Many times in respiratory-tract infections, a granuloma is formed (the fungi is surrounded by tissue which prevents fungal spread). This can reduce lung capacity, flexibility, and cause many of the symptoms. There are many anti-fungals that are now available for treating these infections.How can fungi cause respiratory-tract infections?
because it canHow can fungi cause respiratory-tract infections?
A person inhales spores such as in the systemic mycosis, coccidioidomycosis which produces tuberculosis-like symptoms in th lungs.

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