Wednesday, February 3, 2010

If fungi and bacteria contain cell walls why are they not classified as plants?

At one time they were classified as plants based on that one characteristic. Today, many other traits are taken into consideration. They do not carry on photosynthesis is a main reason for not classifying them as plants. Another is that bacteria are single celled and not multicellular. Their cell walls are also lacking cellulose. Fungi are also non photosynthetic and their cell walls are constructed of a material called chitin. Basically there are more differences separating them then similarities. Also bacteria do not contain a nucleus.If fungi and bacteria contain cell walls why are they not classified as plants?
Plants conduct photosynthesis and make their own food and are usually multi-celled. Fungi don't make their own food and depend on rotting vegetation/etc. to grow. Bacteria are mainly single-celled and most depend on an outside food source.If fungi and bacteria contain cell walls why are they not classified as plants?
Fish and lizards do not have cell walls why are they not classified as animals? Same answer...they are not similar enough to be classified in the same kingdom.
they have cell walls but do not contain more vacuole
If people in prison have cell walls, why aren't they classified as plants?
First off, not all bacteria have cell walls. Bacteria are prokariatic (which do not contain a true nucleus) cells where as plant cells are eukariotic, like animals, protists, funfi etc... Fungi was once placed into the plantae kingdom but is separated due to many factors including differential life cycles and lack of photosynthesis.
Cell wall is not the only criterion-autotrophism is another which is more important.
no chlorophyll
they dont need sunshin to make food,like plants.,,
no xylem or phloem. Fungi are made out of the same material that insects are made out of. Mushrooms hunt a lot after plants and they are undectable usually. Mushrooms have spores and not seeds. Its life cyle is completly different then plants. Mushrooms do not have cytoplasm or have stomata cells.
Eukaryotic plants have cellulose cell walls (with may other chemicals in them like lignin) and CHLOROPHYLL pigment inside chloroplasts. Thus they are photosynthetic autotrophic producers, aka PLANTS

The cell wall of prokaryotic monerans like bacteria is made up of peptidoglycin. Some bacteria have chlorophyll and can do photosynthesis, but lack chloroplasts.

Fungus are eukaryotic, but lack chlorophyll and chloroplast. Cell wall often made up of chitin!
Plants have cell walls made of cellulose.

Bacteria have cell walls made of peptidoglycan.

Fungi have cell walls made of chitin.
Only plants can carry out photosynthesis.

Fungi absorb food, and bacteria do neither.
no cytoplasm I think
Plants, in the current definition, require photosynthesis. Fungi and bacteria do not have chlorophyll, and are thus unable to use light to combine water and carbon dioxide to produce sugar and starch.
Since their cell walls are not made from cellulose, also as they don't contain choloroplasts, thus, they don't carry out photosynthesis.
Plants have chlorophill which they use to convert sunlight into energy... Fungi and bacteria have to eat organic matter for energy.
They have other structures that do not fit within the plant classification (by the way, bacteria don't have cell walls either, just cell membranes -- they are differentiated from eukaryotes by the thickness of their membranes and the amount of the protein peptidoglycan contained in those membranes) As mentioned by others here, fungi do not live by photosynthesis like plants, but tend to be saprophytic -- they live off the decaying remains of other plants and animals. So if there are organisms that fit right in between plants and animals, fungi would have to be it.
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